Industry: Financial Services

  • Increased Customer Retention: Improved customer retention rates due to tailored marketing tactics based on behavioral customer segments
  • Revenue Growth: Significant revenue protection by reducing churn due to targeted promotions
  • Enhanced Marketing Efficiency: Improved marketing campaign response rates through personalized outreach.

Benefits & Results

  • Increased Customer Engagement: Personalized marketing campaigns led to a significant improvement in response rates.
  • Higher Revenue: Revenue increased notably due to better-targeted promotions and offers.
  • Enhanced Customer Loyalty: Improved customer retention rates strengthening long-term relationships.
  • Operational Efficiency: Optimized marketing efforts resulted in significant cost savings.
  • Strategic Growth: The insights gained from customer segmentation enabled NaranjaX to refine its product offerings and market strategies, driving sustainable growth.

Improved subscriber retention, higher revenue, enhanced customer loyalty, operational efficiency, and strategic growth.


NaranjaX is a dynamic fintech company leveraging cutting-edge technology to streamline financial services. With a focus on user-friendly solutions, it aims to enhance digital banking experiences and foster financial inclusion. The company prioritizes innovation in payment systems and financial management tools, aiming to empower consumers and businesses alike.


NaranjaX faced significant difficulties in understanding and segmenting its customer base. The primary challenges included: inability to identify high-value customers, ineffective targeting in marketing campaigns resulting in low customer engagement rates, and poor customer retention rates due to a lack of personalized experiences.


NowVertical provided a comprehensive customer segmentation solution to address NaranjaX's challenges. We leveraged our expertise in advanced analytics and data-driven insights to create a tailored segmentation strategy. This included the implementation of a machine learning model to segment the customers based on behavioral attributes.


  • Data Collection and Analysis: Gathered and analyzed extensive customer data including purchasing behavior, demographics, and engagement metrics.
  • Segmentation Strategy Development: Developed a robust segmentation model using machine learning algorithms to identify distinct customer segments.
  • Personalized Marketing Campaigns: Designed and executed targeted marketing campaigns for each customer segment.
  • Performance Monitoring: Implemented a continuous monitoring system to track the effectiveness of the segmentation and adjust strategies as needed.
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